Surf's Up is a game based on the animation movie featuring surfer penguins. The game is a sort of surf simulation game but the characters are the penguins from the movie. The game isn't particularly long or difficult to complete. However, given the many tricks that you can perform, and the combos that you can make, it will probably take a while until you feel you are done with it. The goal of the game is making the most points during a single wave. The wave is extremely long and you can do a lot of tricks to get points. The more tricks you perform without falling, the more points you will make with the following tricks. It is a system that is present in games like Tony Hawk and Skate. It makes sense. You kind of get in the zone. The characters all look adorable and the voice acting is great. The music is OK I guess, but it turns out annoying after a while. The visuals are great, but animation isn't a particularly difficult visual scenario to recreate. If the game were a little longer or offered supplementary modes, it would be much better.